
One early spring afternoon, when I was a young teenager, my mom approached me to check on my schoolwork. Propped up in my lap was a math textbook; yet, it was merely a clever disguise. Not for a playboy magazine, or a comic book — but a Bible. My mom confiscated the holy contraband until I finished my Pre-algebra assignment.

Believe it or not, this story is true. I might have been the only teenager to be grounded from the Bible!

I share this amusing story only to illustrate how I’ve long had a love for the Bible. Some of my earliest memories are in church, sitting on the front pew, fascinated by whatever my pastor was passionately going on about; even if I didn’t fully understand what it all meant. I would return home and preach my own passionate sermons to a small congregation of stuffed animals—chiefly among them being my beloved Cat in the Hat. He was the head Elder.

I would eventually grow up and preach to a slightly larger congregation of humans that I pastored for seven years.

I love the Bible. It is a strange, complicated, and beautiful book that requires a lifetime of exploration in which one will hardly excavate the surface of its luxurious depths. I want to help you discover its soul-transforming beauty for yourself. Currently, I’m doing this through a weekly podcast I host with my wife, where we take an honest and truthful look at the Bible. I also make videos that cover a wide range of biblical and Christian lifestyle topics.

I pray these resources cultivate a fervor for the Scripture and stir your affection for the One it all points toward.

Ryan Climer

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